
Ireland History

  • 432

    St. Patrick arrives in Ireland

    St. Patrick arrives in Ireland
    St. Patrick helps priests and non believers become closer to god. He converted many people to Christianity.
  • Jan 1, 1169

    The Normans from northern France began to invade Ireland

    The Normans from northern France began to invade Ireland
    A man called Strongbow lead much of this invasion.
    By the 1300s the Normans controlled most of Ireland.
  • England defeated the last major Gaelic leaders and gained full control of Ireland

    England defeated the last major Gaelic leaders and gained full control of Ireland
    This land was then given to small Scottish farmers, hoping that they would remain there and not sell the land back to native Irish people.
  • The Great Potato Famine

    The Great Potato Famine
    The Great Potato Famine cause over 1 million deaths over 5 years. Fungus attacked large potato crops in Ireland causing people starve now known as the Great Potato Famine. It dropped their population by 20-25%. Even if a cure had been invented to fix the potatoes no one would have been able to afford it.
  • The Penal Laws were introduced

    The Penal Laws were introduced
    The Penal Laws were introduced starting in 1695, taking away land from Irish Catholics and preventing them from buying property, voting, practicing their religion, and holding public office. These laws were eventually taken away in the 1920s.
  • The Irish Free State officially chenged their name to Ireland

    The Irish Free State officially chenged their name to Ireland
    From 1922-1937 it was called the Irish Free State and had 26 of the 32 counties, then after that it was named Ireland after a queen that lived on that island.
  • Ireland becomes a member of the European Union

    Ireland becomes a member of the European Union
    It is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries.
  • Getting divorced is legalized

    Getting divorced is legalized
    I think this is an important time in history because if you decided you didn’t want to be married to the person you were married to you had the right to get divorced and may marry someone else freely.
  • The Vikings began to invade Ireland establishing the first towns

    The Vikings began to invade Ireland establishing the first towns</a>The Vikings could have possibly have been from Norway. These early Viking raids were usually small and quick.
  • Period: to

    Ireland's History