Iran resumes uranium conversion which had been suspended since November 2004
Iran resumes uranium conversion which had been suspended since November 2004 -
UN security council imposes sanctions on Iran’s trade in sensitive nuclear materials and technology
Iranian scientist killed by remote controlled bomb
New financial sanctions against Iran
Iranian scientist killed by bomb explosion. Another was wounded in a similar attempt.
Chemist working at the Natanz unranium enrichment facility killed by bomb explosion.
EU and US announce new sanctions against Iran
UN’s atomic watchdog expresses concern over a possible military dimension to Iran’s nuclear activities.
Head of Iran’s ballistic missile programme killed in an explosion at a military base
Fifth Iranian scientist killed in bomb explosion
Iran threatens to close strait of Hormuz over EU oil sanctions
Eu agrees an oil embargo on Iran starting in July
Iran announces advances in its nuclear program including building new uranium enrichment centrifuges and installing new fuel rods
Iran threatens to stop selling oil to six European countries months ahead of when the EU’s embargo would come into effect
Iran announces it is ready to resume talks over its nuclear program