Overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh
the elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown in a coup sponsered by the CIA and MI6. This coup was meant to give power to the previous ruler Shah Pahlavi, who looked up to western powers. Unfortunately, he was a terrible ruler who made too many promises. He ruled for 26 years until he was overthrown in the Iranian revolution in 1979 -
Iranian Revolution Begins
Iranians start to protest and revolt against the Shah and his corrupt government -
Iranian Revolution Ends
Students take control of Amercan Embassy
While in support of Iran's revolution, 300-500 students take control of the American Embassy, starting the Iranian Hostage Crisis of 1979-1981 -
Operation Eagle Claw executed
Operation Eagle Claw was an operation that was meant for saving the hostages in Iran, ending in a complete failure. -
Shah Dies
Shah Pahvlovi dies in the U.S. after a long fight with cancer -
Ronald Regan gets elected
Ronald Regan gets elected as the new U.S president. One of the main reasons why Regan got elected was because of Carter's lack of concentration with the hostages. -
Hostages are released
Literally after days of Regan serving in office, the hostages were released. They were held in captivity for 444 days.