Iran Timeline

  • Overthrow of Irans Prime Minister

    Overthrow of Irans Prime Minister
    The U.S supported the overthrow of Irans Prime Minister because the parliament voted to nationalize irans oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country. Fazlollah Zahedi took the prime ministers place. It changed their relationship by iran hating on the U.S because the U.S helped overthrow iran.
  • US provides Iran with Nuclear Reactor

    US provides Iran with Nuclear Reactor
    The US provided it as a part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs. The agreements were to never acquire nuclear weapons and to share the benefits of peaceful nuclear technology.
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was overthrown and the US supported it. Their relationship was not good because Iran did not like the US for doing that to them.
  • Iranian hostage crisis

    Iranian hostage crisis
    Fifty two Amer and citizens were held hostage fordays after a oup of Iranian students belonging to fo ofthe imams line who supported the Iranian revolution took over the U.S embassy in Tehran. There were negotiations between the United States government and the Iranian government to end the Iranian hostage crisis.
  • Iran-contra scandal

    Iran-contra scandal
    It was a political scandal in the U.S that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran which was the subject of an arms embargo. The scandal began as they were freeing 7 American hostages behind held in Lebanon and Israel would ship weapons to Iran and the US resupppy Israel and receive the Israeli payment.
  • Iranian plane shot down

    Iranian plane shot down
    The crew incorrectly identified the Iranian airbus A300 as an attacking F-14A Tomcat fighter, a plane made in the United States and operated at that time by only two forces worldwide. The United States and Iran reached a settlement where the US agreed to pay an ex gratia basis in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.
  • Iran nuclear weapon program revealed

    Iran nuclear weapon program revealed
    The national council of resistance of Iran revealed the existence of undeclared nuclear facilities in Iran. They had been conducting experiments aimed at designing a nuclear bomb.
  • Axis of evil speech

    Axis of evil speech
    David frum made the speech of articulating the case for dislodging the government in Iraq for the upcoming state of the union address. They hard a not good relationship and wouldn’t cooperate with the US.
  • First sanctions

    First sanctions
    A sanction is to give official permission or approval for an action. They demanded the United States to immediately withdraw North Korea sanctions.
  • Obama sanctions on countries importing Iranian oil

    Obama sanctions on countries importing Iranian oil
    It allowed the US to go forward with sanctions on foreign banks that continue to purchase oil from Iran. The sanctions aim to further isolate Iran’s central bank which processes nearly all of the Islamic republics oil purchases from the global economy. The impact it had on Iran was that their sales were increasing by selling oil.
  • Nuclear negotiations begin

    Nuclear negotiations begin
    The Geneva agreement was an interim deal which Iran ageeed to roll back parts of its nuclear program in exchange for relief from some sanctions.
  • JCPOA is agreed upon

    JCPOA is agreed upon
    It was a preliminary framework agreement between the Islamic republic of Iran and a group of world powers. Negotiations for a framework deal over the nuclear program of Iran took place between the foreign ministers of the countries at a series of meeting. Iran’s enrichment capacity, enrichment level and stockpile will be limited for specified durations. The united states will cease the application of all nuclear related secondary economic and financial sanctions.
  • Donald Trump announces refusal to recertify JCPOA

    Donald Trump announces refusal to recertify JCPOA
    He had stopped the regime from imminent collapse and called on congress to agree new trigger points that if crossed by Iran would mean new sanctions would be reapplied immediately.