
  • Khomeini Returns

    Khomeini Returns
    The Islamic fundamentalist, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returns to Iran following 14 years of exile in Iraq and France for opposing the regime.
  • American Hostages

    American Hostages
    Islamic militants take 52 Americans hostage inside the US embassy in Tehran. They demand the extradition of the Shah, in the US at the time for medical treatment, to face trial in Iran.
  • Shah Dead

    Shah Dead
    The exiled Shah dies of cancer in Egypt.
  • Iran-Iraq War

    Iran-Iraq War
    Iran- Iraq war begins which lasted or 8 years.
  • Iran - Contra Afair

    Iran - Contra Afair
    After the US and Soviet Union halted arms supplies, the US attempted to win the release of hostages in Lebanon by offering secret arms deals, this would later become known as the Iran-Contra affair.
  • Ceasefire

    Iran accepts a ceasefire agreement with Iraq following negotiations in Geneva under the aegis of the UN.
  • Ayatollah Dead

    Ayatollah Khomeini dies.
  • Iran-Iraq

    Iran and Iraq resume diplomatic ties after Kuwait is invaded by Iraq.
  • Afghanistan Talebans

    Afghanistan Talebans
    Iran deploys thousands of troops on its border with Afghanistan after the Taleban admits killing eight Iranian diplomats and a journalist in Mazar-e Sharif.
  • Student Protests

    Student Protests
    Pro-democracy students at Tehran University demonstrate following the closure of the reformist newspaper 'Salam'. Clashes with security forces lead to six days of rioting and the arrest of more than 1,000 students.
  • Khatami's 2nd Term

    Khatami's 2nd Term
    Shirin Ebadi becomes Iran's first Nobel Peace Prize winner; lawyer and human rights campaigner became Iran's first female judge in 1975 but was forced to resign after 1979 revolution
  • Conservative Resurgence

    Conservative Resurgence
    Conservatives regain control of parliament in elections. Thousands of reformist candidates were disqualified by the hardline Council of Guardians before the polls.
  • Nuclear Crisis

    Nuclear Crisis
    Tehran says it has resumed uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant and insists the programme is for peaceful purposes. IAEA finds Iran in violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  • Nuclear Deals

    Nuclear Deals
    After years of negotiations, world powers reach deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for lifting of international economic sanctions. The deal reportedly gives UN nuclear inspectors extensive but not automatic access to Iranian sites.
  • Attacks on Shrine

    Attacks on Shrine
    Several people are killed in co-ordinated attacks on parliament and the shrine of Ayatollah Khomeini. The Islamic State group claims responsibility.