Iran 1979 - Present

  • Shah exiled, Khomeini returns

    November - Islamic militants take 52 Americans hostage inside the US embassy in Tehran. They demand the extradition of the Shah, in the US at the time for medical treatment, to face trial in Iran.
  • Iran-Iraq war

    After the US and Soviet Union halted arms supplies, the US attempted to win the release of hostages in Lebanon by offering secret arms deals. This would later become known as the Iran-Contra affair.
  • Ceasefire

    Iran accepts a ceasefire agreement with Iraq following negotiations in Geneva under the aegis of the UN.
  • Major Earthquake

    A major earthquake strikes Iran, killing approximately 40,000 people.
  • US imposes sanctions

    US imposes oil and trade sanctions over Iran's alleged sponsorship of terrorism, quest for nuclear arms, and hostility to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
  • Student protests

    Pro-democracy students at Tehran University demonstrate following the closure of the reformist newspaper Salam. Clashes with security forces lead to six days of rioting and the arrest of more than 1,000 students.
  • Conservative resurgence

    Conservatives regain control of parliament in elections. Thousands of reformist candidates were disqualified by the hardline Council of Guardians before the polls.
  • Election protests

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is declared to have won a resounding victory in the 12 June presidential election. The rival candidates challenge the result, alleging vote-rigging. Their supporters take to the streets, and at least 30 people are killed and more than 1,000 arrested in the wave of protests that follow.
  • More sanctions

    UN Security Council imposes fourth round of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, including tighter financial curbs and an expanded arms embargo.
  • Rouhani becomes president

    Reformist-backed cleric Hassan Rouhani wins presidential election.
  • Nuclear deal

    After years of negotiations, world powers reach deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for lifting of international economic sanctions. The deal gives UN nuclear inspectors extensive but not automatic access to Iranian sites.