• Ayatollah Ruhollah

    Ayatollah Ruhollah
    The Islamic fundamentalist, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returns to Iran following 14 years of exile in Iraq and France for opposing the regime.
  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraq War

    Iran Iraq War lasted eight years
  • Ceasefire between Iraq and Iran

    Ceasefire between Iraq and Iran
    Iran accepts a ceasefire agreement with Iraq following negotiations in Geneva under the aegis of the UN.
  • New President

    New President
    Mohammad Khatami wins the presidential election with 70% of the vote, beating the conservative ruling elite.
  • Iran Fights Taleban

    Iran Fights Taleban
    Iran deploys thousands of troops on its border with Afghanistan after the Taleban admits killing eight Iranian diplomats and a journalist in Mazar-e Sharif.
  • Students Protest

    Students Protest
    Pro-democracy students at Tehran University demonstrate following the closure of the reformist newspaper 'Salam'. Clashes with security forces lead to six days of rioting and the arrest of more than 1,000 students.
  • Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear Reactor
    Russian technicians begin construction of Iran's first nuclear reactor at Bushehr despite strong objections from US.
  • Devastating Earthquake

    Devastating Earthquake
    40,000 people are killed in an earthquake in south-east Iran; the city of Bam is devastated.
  • Conservative resurgence

    Conservative resurgence
    Conservatives regain control of parliament in elections. Thousands of reformist candidates were disqualified by the hardline Council of Guardians before the polls.
  • UN Imposes Nuclear Trade

    UN Imposes Nuclear Trade
    Iran hosts a controversial conference on the Holocaust; delegates include Holocaust deniers. UN Security Council votes to impose sanctions on Iran's trade in sensitive nuclear materials and technology. Iran condemns the resolution and vows to speed up uranium enrichment work.
  • Transportation advances

    Transportation advances
    Iran announces plans to stop making cars that only run on petrol and switch to dual-fuel vehicles, which also run on gas.
  • Missile Test

    Missile Test
    Iran admits that it is building a uranium enrichment plant near Qom, but insists it is for peaceful purposes.
    The country test-fires a series of medium- and longer-range missiles that put Israel and US bases in the Gulf within potential striking range.
  • Currency Fall

    Currency Fall
    Iran's rial currency falls to a new record low against the US dollar, having lost about losing 80% of its value since 2011 because of international sanctions. Riot police attack about 100 currency traders outside the Central Bank. EU countries announce further sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, focusing on banks, trade and crucial gas imports.
  • Russia Build Eight Nuclear Reactors

    Russia Build Eight Nuclear Reactors
    Russia agrees to build up to eight nuclear reactors in Iran, in move that might ease Iranian demands to have own uranium enrichment. Vienna negotiations on Iran's nuclear programme fail to finalise preliminary deal signed in Geneva in November 2013. The two sides express confidence that remaining sticking points can be resolved, and agree a seven-month extension to the talks.
  • Iran and World Powers' Deal

    Iran and World Powers' Deal
    After years of negotiations, world powers reach deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for lifting of international economic sanctions. The deal reportedly gives UN nuclear inspectors extensive but not automatic access to Iranian sites.