Mc Mhon-Hussein Correspondence
not right date but right year -
Balfour Declaration
Period: to
British Mandate for Palestine
Period: to
Holocaust and WW2
UN partition Plan
Period: to
1948 War
Establishment of the PLO
Khartoum Resolution/Attrition Battles/The war of Attrition
Six-day War/1967 Arab-Israeli
Settlement construction
October War
Camp David Accords
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
1982 Lebanon War
Period: to
Olso Accords
Jordan-Israeli Treaty
Camp David Summit
Period: to
Second Intifada
Israel Beggins Constructing West Bank Security Barrier
Arab Peace Proposed
Roadmap for Peace
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Hamas is Elected
Second Lebanon War
Battle of Gaza
Syrian Nuclear reactor
Annapolis Confrence
Syrian Nuclear Reactor Destroyed
Period: to
The Gaza Conflict
Period: to
Hezbollah Governance in Lebanon
gaza flotilla incident
prisoner Exchange for gilad shalit
Period: to
The Arab Spring
Period: to
Egyptian Revolution
Syrian civil war
gaza israel conflict operation pillar of defense
Period: to
author peace talks
kerry israel palestinian authority peace talks
Iran nuclear deal
Rise of ISIL also Known as the islamic State (IS)or ISIS in syria and iraq
kidnapping and murder of three israeli teens and murder of one palestinian teen
operation protective edge