IR project junior year

  • Period: 1 CE to 10

    golden age of man

    we basically became the biggest dudes out there
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    after the virus bombing all of the gases produced are floating in the atmosphere and then fire storm begins setting the planet ablaze. little survives the fire. what little members of the now loyalist marines attempt to survive against the doomed battle that now remains on istvaan III.
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    the Horus heresy begins

    the Horus heresy begins
    the heresy begins on the planet of istvaan III during a coalition force of sons of Horus, the emperors children, and death-guard. as the first assault members of all legions that are considered unloyal to Horus are sent via drop-pod into the battlefield. during the battle a emperors children member finds out about the betrayal he fly's to the planet to warn the warriors fight on the planet arriving in time and warns them. before the virus bombing a virus that consumes all organic matter hits.
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    The Great crusade begins

    The Great crusade begins
    this is the grand even for reclaiming the lost worlds of man.
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    mars alliance

    mars alliance
    The emperor having to take charge of the space marines due to the primarchs being scatter. the emperor checks the first colony developed by the past human empire mars and finds that it survives however they developed a religion of machines. however fighting the martians was not a option because even if the emperor wouldn't admit it they were far more powerful. so they created a alliance mars would provide war machines and industry while the imperium would provide a way to expand their knowledge.
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    The emperors betrays

    after the creation of the space marines the emperor slaughters all of the thunder warrior. though it is possible some survived.
  • Period: 10 to 11

    slaanesh was born and the warp freaked out

    due to a race known as the eldar ****ing themselves to near extinction those ... feelings created the choa's "god" slaanesh. this also wakes up the other choas "gods" and they make what soon will be known as the eye of terror
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    the primarchs are scattered

    the choas gods figuring out what the emperor is doing scatters his children across the stars.
  • Period: 11 to 11

    humanity crumbs

    due to reliance on the warp for travel and trade this kinda collapse
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    the primarch project begins

    the primarch project begins
    the emperor begins the creation of the primarchs and Space marines which is based on the primarchs gene-seed (don't ask very complicated)
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    the unification wars end

    the unification wars end
    using his army known as the thunder warriors the emperor retakes terra and has begun his plans to retake all lost human worlds and colony's under the new name of the imperium is a society based in rationalism and allows no religons
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    the emperor appears and take back earth

    the emperor appears and take back earth
    after humanity was utterly boned and terra was left as a wasteland. the emperor a figure up until then has been sticking to the shadows finally decided to do something and started what will later be known as the unification wars. this war was mostly against techno barbarians and warlords