Iowa city

Iowan History

  • Land in Iowa

    Land in Iowa
    Throughout the early 1800s, Iowa's land looked much differently than it does today. Only 19% of the land was forest and 11% was wetlands. A whopping 70% was prarie whereas less than 1/10 of a percent of prarie can be found in Iowa now! Iowa's Praries<a
  • Period: to

    Iowa History: 1800-1810

  • Iowa: Part of Louisiana

    Iowa: Part of Louisiana
    After the Louisiana Purchase, Iowa became part of the Upper District of Louisiana. The capital city of Iowa (and the whole Upper District) at this time was St. Louis. There was also the Lower District, with a capital of New Orleans. Iowa's Path To Statehood
  • Sac Tribe Signs Treaty

    Sac Tribe Signs Treaty
    Some of the Sac (or Sauk) tribe members signed over their land to the United States government However, these members were not authorized to do this because they weren't leaders of the Sauk tribe. The treaty should not have gone through because of this, but our government ignored that factor and this land became what is Iowa today. Indian Removal in Iowa
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    William Clark and Meriwether Lewis were asked by current preisdent Thomas Jefferson to travel and map out the Louisiana Purchase. These men surveyed the land for two years, which opened the door to more settlers to come into the area. Early Explorers in Iowa
  • Fort Madison Established

    Fort Madison Established
    Fort Madison was constructed in this year, but was originally named Fort Bellevue. Although this was the first federal facility in Iowa, the placement was not in the best of locations. The Mississippi River runs along the city on one side and a deep ravine and high bluff on the other two sides making this fort hard to ensure safe defensive strategies. This fort was also used as a trading post. More About Fort Madison