Trade Deficit
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Trade Deficit
America has not had a trade surplus since 1974. The trade deficit has been blamed for the loss of our middle classes manufacturing and industrial base sighting our massive difference in net goods balance.We lose GDP every year because of trade deficit and it is a multi trillion dollar problem. This is monetary. -
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Interest Rates on Savings Accounts
Sadly, the annual interest rate on bank accounts decreased from 5% to a low 1.40% after spiking to 5.5% in 2007. This is important because it may have caused people to start investing in stocks, or putting their money elsewhere because it wasn't earning the most saught after interest rate. Due to the bank's involvement in interest rates, this is classified as monetary. -
Leadership- Rod Blagojevich
Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on charges that he was going to sell his office and a U.S senate seat. He’s being accused of major political corruption and will serve 14 years in jail. FIscal. -
President Obama announced the National Export Initiative. It is supposed to double U.S export within five years, creating a lot more jobs. So far the plan is on track with exports making $180 billion each month. Monetary deficit group. -
Half of American are only saving less that 5% on their income. And 18% of Americans are saving nothing at all. And a quarter of middle class Americans set aside more than 15% of their income. This is also considered a part of the monetary deficit category. -
Federal budget
We have a huge problem with the federal budget and having enough money to pay for medicare and social security for all of the people in america. As the baby boomers begin to retire, social security is going to go into a lot of debt to pay them their social security that they promised. They project that in 2015 we will be in the peak of our trouble with the federal budget having to take massive loans to pay the social security of the baby boomers. This is considered monetary.