Wold War Thing

  • Germany is split

    Germany is split
    split between the USSR and France, Britain and USA
  • end of ww2

    end of ww2
    the germans are defeated
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    western berlin receives supplies via airplanes due to USSR road blocks
  • NATO exists

    NATO exists
    NATO is formed to counter the soviets union and to stop the spread of communism
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    a war against communism in korea
  • creation of Warsaw pact

    creation of Warsaw pact
    USSR united its states under its control
  • soviet union devolps Hydrogen bombs

    soviet union devolps Hydrogen bombs
    very not good for the free world
  • Khrushchev call for peaceful co-existence

    Khrushchev call for peaceful co-existence
    via letter
  • Hungarian revolt

    Hungarian revolt
    They didn't want to be under Stalin's control and started a revolt
  • spudnik is lanched

    spudnik is lanched
    the first man in space and it was by the USSR
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
  • Berlin wall is built

    Berlin wall is built
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
  • partial test ban treaty signed

    partial test ban treaty signed
  • Czech uprising

    Czech uprising
  • SALT treaty signed

    SALT treaty signed
    they signed a treaty
  • Helsinki accords

    Helsinki accords
  • soviet invasion of Afganisatn

    soviet invasion of Afganisatn
    explains its self
  • Polish uprising

    Polish uprising
    Polish want solidarity
  • I.N.F treaty signed

    I.N.F treaty signed
  • Berlin wall falls

    Berlin wall falls
    pretty self explainatory
  • iron curtain collapses

    iron curtain collapses
    imaginary iron curtain
  • Germany is reunited

    Germany is reunited
    self explanitory
  • Soviet union collapses

    Soviet union collapses
    self explainitory