Inventors/Innovators Timeline

  • John Kay's Invention

    John Kay's Invention
    The Flying Shuttle allowed 1 weaver weave wider fabrics and could be mechanized allowing for automatic machine looms.
  • James Hargreaves' Invention

    James Hargreaves' Invention
    Spinning Jenny was a multi spindle spinning frame and used to weave strings together
  • Richard Arkwright's Invention

    Richard Arkwright's Invention
    Water Frame was a frame that was waster powered and was an easy way to make a cotton thread and was able to spin 128 threads at once which was the easiest and fastest method than ever before.
  • James Watt's Invention

    James Watt's Invention
    Watt steam engine was a fundamental part of the industrial revolution as it could power various things and innovated many times to do different things.
  • Samuel Compton's Invention

    Samuel Compton's Invention
    Spinning mule is a machine used to spin cotton. They were used a lot 18th century.
  • Robert Fulton's Invention

    Robert Fulton's Invention
    Steamboat was invented in 1787 and was a boat mainly powered by steam power.
  • Richard Trevithick's

    Richard Trevithick's
    Steam locomotive was made in 1804 and was a good way of transportation as it moved a great pace compared to walking.
  • George Stephenson's Innovation

    George Stephenson's Innovation
    George Stephenson's Innovation was on the Steam Locomotive in 1814 as it made the locomotive faster than the previous one and much better than walking everywhere.
  • Henry Bessemer's Invention

    Henry Bessemer's Invention
    The Bessemer Converter was a process to make steel easily and quickly as well as cheaply. This improved the amount of steel for future invention in the industrial revolution
  • Louis Pasteur's

    Louis Pasteur's
    Pasteurization was a process of letting bacteria on foods and letting making it better or preserves it for a longer time.
  • Thomas Edison's Invention

    Thomas Edison's Invention
    The Phonograph was a great invention as you can talk to a person across the country through this invention. Making it a great for fast communication.
  • Nikola Tesla's Invention

    Nikola Tesla's Invention
    The remote control can control things remotely through the inputs of a control usually touched by a human. Although controls can be different and can perform different things depending of the device as well as different when its wired or radio controlled.