john kay invents the flying shuttle
a English inventor
in helped get us closer to automatic weaving
Advantage: it paved the way for weaving
Disadvantage: it wasn't a faster way
sewing machines -
James Watt invents the steam engine
a Scottish inventor
the engine allows water to be pumped from mine shafts and separate the steam to keep it cool
Advantage: its could be taken anywhere with it's boiler
Disadvantages: it was huge and heavy
oil rigs -
James hargreaves invented the spinning jenny
an English carpenter
the spinning jenny is a multi-spindle frame and helped industrialize weaving early in the industrial revolution
Advantages: more threads and yarn to be produced
disadvantages: more fibers were need to produce
sewing machine -
Arkwright invents the spinning frame
Arkwright an English inventor
It's for spinning yarn or thread from fibers like cotton or wool
sewing machine -
Richard Arkwright invents the water frame
an English inventor
the water frame is a spinning frame powered by water
sewing machines -
Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule
an english inventor
It's used to spin cotton and other fibers
advantages: speed up the process
disadvantages: difficult to continuously spinning
sewing machines -
Richard Trevithick invents the steam locomotive
a British inventor
it uses pulling power through a steam engine that runs off combustible material like coal, oil, or wood
advantages: made railroad travel faster
disadvantages: heat losses from the firebox, boiler, cylinders, and other places
Trains -
Robert Fulton invents the steam boat
an American inventor
in 1807 Fulton and Livingston built the first steamboat
advantages: made on water travel faster
disadvantages:it could only go downstream
ships like the titanic -
Louis Pasteur invents Pasteurization
a french biologist
he showed why food spoils so he made a process were packaged and non packaged foods are treated with mild heat
advantages: killed bacteria
disadvantages: some nutrients may be lost in the heat
refrigerators, freezers -
George Stephenson invents the rocket
an english inventor
the rocket was a steam locomotive that won best design by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway
advantages: it could take a lot
disadvantages: incomplete combustion
cars, ford, Honda -
Henry Bessemer invents the Bessemer process
an English inventor
the first inexpensive industrial process for producing steel from molten pig iron
advantages: it wasn't expensive
disadvantages: it didn't remove the phosphorus and sulfur
metal casting -
Thomas Edison invents the incandescent light bulb
an American inventor
the incandescent light bulb heats up the wire inside the light to give it that glow
advantages: it gave light to houses and replaced candels
disadvantages: they would eventually fad or break
light panels, solar panels -
Nikola Tesla invents the Tesla Coil
a Serbian-American inventor
The Tesla Coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit it produces high voltage, low current
advantages: helped harness electricity
disadvantages: there dangerous to be around
light switches