Thomas Newcomen invents the atmospheric engine
He combined the ideas of Thomas Savery and Denis Papin to create the atmospheric engine. He created it for the purpose of lifting water out of a tin mine. -
Tull invents the horse-drawn hoe
Tull invented the horse-drawn hoe around 1730. He made it after his studies in France about agriculture. It was used for plowing fields. -
John Roebuck manufactures sulfuric acid
John Roebuck starts making sulfuric Acid and later builds a factory for production for it. Sulfuric acid is used in fertilizers and chemicals. -
James Watt invents the Watt steam engine
The Watt steam engine was used to used to pump water out of mines. This steam engine could do its job much batter and faster than all the other steam engines. -
Henry Cort invents the Rolling mill
Henry Court sought to find a way to refine pig iron more effeciently and invented the Rolling mill -
Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom
The power loom was used to weave fabrics and could do it faster than a normal loom could and it was more efficient. -
Richard Arkwright invents the spinning frame
The spinning frame was used for spinning thread or yarn from fibers such as wool or cotton in a mechanized way -
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
Eli Whitney sought to quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds and invented the cotton gin to help with this process -
Robert Fulton invents the steamboat
Robert Fulton built the first steamboat in 1807 and it was first tested on the Hudson River and was widely successful. -
Elias Howe invents the sewing machine
He was not the first to invent the sewing machine but he was the first to patent it. A sewing machine speeds up sewing and is faster and more neat than hand sewing. -
Karl Marx invents marxism
Karl Marx published his political thought in the pamphlet The Communist Manifesto. This book established the ideology of Marxism -
Cyrus Field makes the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic
Cyrus with a few other entrepreneurs made the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic. This was the first use of the commercial telegraph cable across the Atlantic.