inventors and inventions

  • jethro tull

    jethro tull
    He was and agricultural pioneer. Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, the horse drawn hoe and an improved plough.
  • Abraham Darby

    Abraham Darby
    He developed a method of producing pig iron in a blast furnace fuelled by coke instead of charcoal.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    Watt invented the Watt steam engine, the photocopier, Watt's linkage and parallel motion.
  • John Kay

    John Kay
    Kay was an English mechanic and engineer. He invented the flying shuttle which was an important step towards automatic weaving.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith was a Scottish economist, philosopher, pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Enlightenment Era. He came up with the concept of GDP (gross domestic product). He wrote the book, "The Wealth of Nations"
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    Samuel Crompton was an English inventor and pioneer of the spinning industry. He invented the spinning mule.
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort
    Henry Cort was an English Ironmaster, and a pioneer in the iron industry. Cort began refining iron from pig iron to wrought iron using innovative production systems
  • Nicolas LeBlanc

    Nicolas LeBlanc
    he made the Leblanc process, produced sodium carbonate by first exposing sea salt to sulfuric acid, and then converting the product to soda by calcinating (heating at a high temperature) with limestone and charcoal.
  • robert owen

    robert owen
    He was an early pioneer of socialism, one of the first to use the term "socialist" in publications. He made use of the first American Sea island cotton. He became a manager and partner in the Manchester firm.
  • David Ricardo

    David Ricardo
    David Ricardo was a classical economist best known for his theory on wages and profit, the labor theory of value, the theory of comparative advantage, and the theory of rents
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    Howe was an American inventor, he invented the modern lockstitch sewing machine. I was first used for making blankets and clothing.
  • cyrus feild

    cyrus feild
    Cyrus Field was a businessman who created the Atlantic Telegraphic Company and the whole idea of the telegraph cable.