Inventors and Inventions

  • sulphuric acid- John Roebuck

    sulphuric acid- John Roebuck
    A British physician, chemist, and inventor. Best known for inventing a way of mass production for sulphuric acid
  • steam engine- James Watt

    steam engine- James Watt
    A Scottish instrument maker who and inventor whose steam engine contributed significantly to the Industrial Revolution. His progress on the engine was slow due to other complications with work as a land surveyor.
  • water frame- Richard Arkwright

    water frame- Richard Arkwright
    He invented the water frame, which produced cotton yard that was suitable for warp. Was a major improvement on James Hargreaves spinning jenny.
  • soda ash- Nicolas Leblanc

    soda ash- Nicolas Leblanc
    Was able to develop a process for turning salt into soda ash. Soda ash was used in making glass, paper, soap, and porcelain.
  • wrought iron- Henry Cort

    wrought iron- Henry Cort
    Discovered the process for making pig iron into wrought iron by the puddling process.
  • wool combing machine- Edmund Cartwright

    wool combing machine- Edmund Cartwright
    Was inspired to create a machine similar to the cotton-spinning mills but for weaving instead. He called it the crude power loom, but had to surrender the rights over to someone else. He also invented the cordelier (a machine for making rope) and an alcohol powered engine.
  • utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham

     utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham
    English philosopher, economist, and theoretical jurist, the earliest and chief expounder of utilitarianism. Played a large part countries understandment in philosophical radicalism.
  • electric battery- Alessandro Volta

    electric battery- Alessandro Volta
    An Italian physicist whose invention of the electric battery provided the first source of continuous current. He began sampling metals and conductivity to test whether or not the substances had "metallic electricity".
  • sewing machine- Elias Howe

    sewing machine- Elias Howe
    Revolutionized the garment manufacture in homes and in factories.
  • "The Communist Manifesto"- Karl Marx

    "The Communist Manifesto"- Karl Marx
    Karl Heinrich Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Most famous for writing "The Communist Manifesto".
  • celluloid- John Wesley Hyatt

    celluloid- John Wesley Hyatt
    In 1863 John Wesley Hyatt along with his brother are credited with inventing the first artificial plastic. They started off using the plastic for denture plates but later moved onto producing piano keys, shirt collars, and brushes.
  • transatlantic cable- Cyrus W. Field

    transatlantic cable- Cyrus W. Field
    One of the founders of the Newfoundland and London Telegraph company. Would later help organize the Atlantic Telegraph Company.