
Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

  • (Watt) Steam Engine

    (Watt) Steam Engine
    While repairing a different version of the steam engine (the Newcomen steam engine) James Watt noticed that it was not efficient enough to be used as a main power source in factories and other machines. He created a new version of the steam engine called the Watt Steam Engine in May of 1765 which created more steam and did not lose as much heat. A steam engine uses heat, water, and pressure usually made from a boiler to make an object move; like a wheel.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny was created in 1770 by an inventor named James Hargreaves. It was a hand-powered spinning machine that was mainly used to spin up bobbins of wool and cotton. Using a hand crack it was then possible to spin up to 120 bobbins of wool and cotton at a time at home or in textile factories.