Inventions of the '80's

  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    *Team of engineers at IBM led by Philip Estridge
    *The first home PC that was faster and had more memory than competitors. Set industry standards with 8080 microprocessor MS DOS OS.
  • GUI-The Lisa

    GUI-The Lisa
    *Invented by Apple
    *GUI replaced type command lines and use a more advanced microprocessor. Revolutionized O/S systems.
  • Compact Discs

    Compact Discs
    *inventors were Philips Electronics and Sony Corporation
    *Provided a digital format for high fidelity recorded music, expanded computer storage(CD ROMS) and entertainment systems(DVDS) Replaced vinyl's and cassettes.
  • Nintendo Entertainment Systems

    Nintendo Entertainment Systems
    *Masayuki Uemura
    *Groundbreaking 8 bit video game console that offered ability to play arcade games on a television set.
  • Disposable camera

    Disposable camera
    *Inventor was Fujifilm
    *This was the first inexpensive easy to use pocket size way to take snapshots and create lasting memories. Was super convenient and you could buy these in a local drugstore.