Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Scientific Revolution
Nov 20, 1514
Heliocentric Theory Of Copernicus
Nicholas Copernicus made this theory. This theory stated that the Earth and any other planet rotates around the sun and that the sun was the center of the solar system. This is important because this helps us know where each planet is located and how far away the sun is from the Earth.
The Copernicus Model -
Nov 20, 1564
Creation of the Pencil
It was created when a carbon mine was discovered in Europe. It was called the "lead" pencil but there wasn't any actual lead in it. This is important because we still use the pencil today.
Inventors and Inventions from the 1500's -
Galileo Demonstartes Properties of Gravity
Galileo sends a man to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and they dropped two balls one big and the other small. He then saw that the weight of the ball did not matter. This is important cause it let us understand gravity.
The Scientific Revolution -
The Thermometer
The thermometer was invented by Galileo. The thermometer contained water in a bulb and the water moved up and down as the temperature changed. We still use the thermometer today.
Inventors and Inventions -
The submarine was invented in 1620 by Cornelis Drebble, it was built in England. This was the first under water working craft. The submarine is imprtant because it has let people do underwater research and find new underwater creatures.
Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel -
First Candy Cane
The candy cane was created in German when someone bent the candy to look like a shepherd's staff. The candy cane is still a traditional candy eaten during christmas till this day.
History of Candy Canes -
Issac Newton Publishes A Book
Newton publishes Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The book was about the principals of gravity. This maid lots of people want to learn more. This helped us understand the way that gravity works.
The Scientific Revolution -
Bifocal Glasses
This were invented by Benjamin Franklin. He was both nearsighted and farsighted so he took half of each and invented the bifocal glasses. This are still used today.
Inventors and Inventions