Inventions from 1700-1800’s

  • Pianos

    The first ever piano
    Was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Italy. A Piano is an acoustic in which the strings are stuck by hammers. A Modern piano has 88 keys, 52 are white and 36 are black. It’s length is 6 feet.
  • Mercury Thermometer

    Mercury Thermometer
    Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was a German physicist that created the mercury thermometer. Thermometers measures temperatures. It uses materials that change in some way. When the liquid rises that means the temperature is warm, when it drops, the temperature gets cold.
  • Flying shuttle

    Flying shuttle
    John Kay invented the automatic flying shuttle. Previous looms, the shuttle was thrown or passed through the threads by hand. Wide fabrics required two weaves seated side by side passing threw the shuttle between them.
  • English dictionary

    English dictionary
    Samuel Johnson took 7 years to write the first ever English dictionary. It Included information of all the words existing then and to help people expand their vocabulary.
  • Jigsaw puzzles

    Jigsaw puzzles
    European mapmaker John Spilsbury was credited for inventing jigsaw puzzles. He posted maps onto wood and them into pieces which gave him ideas of creating puzzles for people to test their knowledge.
  • Parachute

    First person to demonstrate a parachute was Louis Sébastien Lenomand who lived in France. He first jumped from a tree with two parasols. Years later André- Jacques Garnerin was able to do it regularly. They used canvas for parachutes but later it was silk
  • Hot air balloon

    Hot air balloon
    Created by brothers, Joseph Montgolifer and Jacques Etienne Montigolfier. Joseph succeed in inflating his shirt by holding it by the neck above a chimney fire. He understood that, hot air was lighter than colder air and he could use the principles to lift something heavy off the ground.
  • Bifocal glasses

    Bifocal glasses
    Former president of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, invented something called '' Bifocal lenses." Two different areas is covered, top area of the lenses is used to see far objects and the bottom area of the lenses is used for reading.
  • Steamboat

    John Fitch built a 45 foot steamboat that he tried to use on the Delaware River in Philadelphia. Rivers was the only way of transportation. He built 4 steamboats but since it was too expensive to operate he was unsuccessful for all 4 steamboats.
  • Battery

    Alessandro Volta invented batteries in 1799. Volta built a battery, known as the "Voltaic Pile" made of alternating copper and zinc discs, with each pair of metals separated by flannel soaked in weak acid.