
  • The Complex Number Calculator

    The Complex Number Calculator
    Invented by George Roberts Stibitz. This invention calculated complex computations in a remote area for the very first time, and is a very big accomplishment in the computing world.
  • Colossus

    Invented by Tommy Flowers this specific computer was used to decode Nazi codes in World War 2. It is considered to be one of the first digital computers and helped shorten the war by deciphering the Nazi codes.
  • Williams Tube

    Williams Tube
    This invention was invented by Tom Kilburn and Freddie Williams. The invention is one of if not the first RAM storage device of its kind.
  • Manchester Computer Program

    Manchester Computer Program
    Once again this invention was invented by Tom Kilburn. This invention is a computer program that paved the way for every other computer program that came after it. It is a 17 instruction program that ran digitally, electronically, and stored.
  • Madeira

    Invented by Floyd Steele in 1949. This invention saw using Boolean Algebra to solve differential equations. This unique computer helped accelerate the computing industry to where it is today.