Inventions and events since 2001

  • Nolan is Born

    I was born November 21, 2001
  • Skype

    Now that Skype is released people have a whole new way of talking to people. You can use Skype for chat or even to chat over video. It revolutionized chat. My parents use it all the time to talk to each other and relatives.
  • FaceBook

    A social outbreak as Facebook connects millions. Now people can talk around the world whenever they want. It starts and then Instagram follows as does twitter. Now people ca n share photos and events that happend in there life all with the click of a button.
  • Nolan starts soccer

    I played for the YMCA Ally cats
  • YouTube

    This site makes it possible for people to watch other people doing whatever they want. People that use YouTube are known as YouTubers and we the people who watch them are the viewers. You can subscribe to peoples channels and they make money the more views and likes they get. The more videos the more money you make
  • Nolan starts Kindergarten

    I start at Shady Grove
  • Wii

    I bought the Wii right as it came out. It was a new gaming system that everyone wanted because a lot of new games came out for it. Supersmash bros was a huge hit because only people that had the Wii could play it. Its a great invention because its a game system that tried to make you active with some of the games
  • Iphone

    Now that the IPhone is released people can connect with other people across the globe. Using the internet on the phone was a brilliant Idea. And ever since releasing the first 7 more have come and its over a billion dollar company.
  • Kindle

    You can now read a book on a screen in any language. Its release made libraries attendance of the public lower because you can now read any book anywhere. You can fit it in a purse and take it out whenever you want and read.
  • Ipad

    When the Ipad came out it as just a big form of the Ipad. It wasnt the first tablet but Apples first tablet and apple has sold millions of this Ipad. A good invention if you like to dally your time away with YouTube, Netflix, and games
  • Snapcaht

    Snapchat is a cool new invention because it wasn't like the rest. It was a new app that let you send pictures back in forth with a friend. I got Snapchat in 2012 and have been using it ever since. It has over 100 million downloads and almost everyone with a phone has this app. You can also put pictures on your "story" so everyone can see whats happening
  • Nolan enters Short Pump

    I'm a Puma
  • Nolan Starts Deep Run

    I'm a Wildcat
  • Nolans project

    He starts his first time toast.
  • Citations