Inventions through the ages

  • telescope

    made by German-Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey
  • pencil

    created by Conrad Gessner, Nuremberg, Germany was the birthplace of the first mass-produced pencils in 1662
  • Refrigerator

    developed by Scottish physician William Cullen in the mid-1750s, but the first commercial domestic model wasn't introduced until 1913.
  • Bicycle

    developed by John Kemp Starley made the first bicycle with a chain
  • Pneumatic Tyre

    Pneumatic Tyre
    Invented by John Boyd Dunlop. It was developed as a way to make tricycle riding more comfortable.
  • Box Camera

    Box Camera
    George Eastman developed the first small Kodak box camera made photography much more accessible to the public.
  • The radio

    The radio
    Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi who created the first viable radio apparatus and wireless telegraphy system back in 1895.
  • air conditioning

    air conditioning
    invented by American engineer Willis Carrier in 1902. enables people to live comfortably in hot places
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming, Penicillin is a group of antibiotics that cures several infections in human beings without harming them
  • The transistor

    The transistor
    created by engineers John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. An essential component of most modern electronics
  • Internet

    The internet was first developed by Vinton Cerf backed by the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency