
  • 1440

    Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg

    Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg
    The printing press was invented sometime around 1440 AD by German Goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg. By applying gold die molding techniques to letters Gutenberg would create a way for books to be mass produced in a fast manner. The printing press allowed books to be mass translated into other languages. Now people can easily write and read books in their native languages.
  • Steam Engine - James Watt

    Steam Engine - James Watt
    The concept of a steam powered device was not new during the modern era. The ancient Romans and Greeks had been experimenting with steam as a source of power nearly 1,500 years before the Steam Engine was formally invented. As such in 1776 James Watt patented the world’s first modern steam engine. Over the next 40 years steam power came to dominate the world’s energy generation and would jumpstart the Industrial Revolution.
  • Battery - Alessandro Volta and Luigi Galvani

    Battery - Alessandro Volta and Luigi Galvani
    Two Italian inventors named Alessandro Volta and Luigi Galvani created the first modern battery in 1800. For the first time in human history people could now capture energy and store it for later use. This was a monumental accomplishment. Now inventors could begin to experiment with large scale machinery powered by excess energy which was stored by using battery technology. The Battery directly led to a revolution in machinery and factory production that today we call the Industrial Revolution.
  • Analytical Engine - Charles Babbage

    Analytical Engine - Charles Babbage
    One of the most important inventions in human history was introduced by an English mathematician named Charles Babbage who understood the limits of Human mathematical ability. Charles Babbage would develop the world’s first modern computer. He named this device the Analytical Engine. Because of this invention the world would begin to develop computers. It’s amazing that such an advanced machine was built shortly after the American and French Revolutions.
  • Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
    One of the most important inventions in human history was introduced during the 19th century in the United States. This was the invention of the telephone and it forever changed how the world works. The inventor of the telephone was a man named Alexander Graham Bell. Bell from an early age would spend countless hours taking apart and rebuilding things to discover how they work. To this day the telephone continues to shape our world and history.