Playstation time line

  • sony foundation

    Sony was founded on May 7, 1946 in Tokyo Japan
  • Genocide in Rwanda

    The Rwandan genocide was an attempted extermination of the Tutsi population by the hegemonic Hutu government of Rwanda between April 7 and July 15, 1994, in which approximately 70% of Tutsis were killed, it is estimated that between five hundred thousand and one million people were killed
  • The first playstation goes on sale

    PlayStation is Sony's first video game console, and the first from that company to be designed by Ken Kutaragi, it went on sale on December 3, 1994
  • The war on terror

    The decade of the 2000s was marked by the war against terrorism declared by the United States after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 against the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon.
  • Play station 2 goes on sale

    The playstation 2 was released on March 4, 2000, this represented one of the biggest changes for the company because it is considered one of the best consoles in history and is the one that the company gave the most popularity within the world. growing world of video games
  • Benito Juarez

    In 2006, the bicentennial of the birth of Benito Juares was celebrated in Mexico, a very important figure in the history of the country.
  • Play station 3

    The playstation 3 console was released on November 11, 2006, it brought many iconic games to the playstation but even so, it competed against what was at the time the best console on the market, the XBox 360, which likewise that the playstation 2 would mark a before and after for video games
  • Venedicto 16

    In this same year, 2013, was the year in which the Pope Venedict resigned from his position
  • Playstation 4

    The paystation 4 was sold for the first time on November 15, 2013, and it was in my opinion the best console of its generation, having in its catalog jewels such as games in addition to reliving the success that could only be matched by the playstation 2
  • Year 2020 and the coronavirus

    The year 2020 has brought many historical events for humanity, but, in my opinion, the most important is the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic that has strongly affected the daily life of the world population in general.
  • Playstation 5

    And finally, on November 12, 2020, what promises to be the most complete playstation console in terms of video game catalog as well as potential went on sale, it promises a lot and it is too early to say it but it can become one of the best-selling consoles