Invention of TV

  • Invention of metal disc

    The history of television dates back to the XVIII century, with the invention of the mechanical disk by Paul Gottilieb Nipkow, a German scientist.
  • The word "Television" (Greek word, which is distance vision) is born.

    The Russian scientist, Constantin Perskyi, gives as "birth" the word television, in a document read at the first International Congress on Electricity.
  • Invention of the iconoscope

    At the beginning of the XX century, the American physicist Vladimir Kosma Zworykin created the first device, with the ability to capture images, in RCA laboratories. This invention gives way to Electric Television.
  • Invention of TV (image dissector)

    The North American radio engineer Philo Taylor Farnsworth, in 1923, invented the image lecture tube.
  • Experimental broadcasts

    5 years later, the first experimental transmissions took place, from the W3XK station in Washington.
  • cathode rays (CRT)

    The German, Telefunken, in 1934 gave rise to the first cathode ray tubes giving better resolution and speed.
  • Mexican invents color television

    The biggest step for television, in the 1940s, the Mexican inventor Guillermo Gonzales Camarena invented a sequential trichromatic system.
  • Color televisions and their adaptation

    For the decade of the 70, the adaptation of the commercial television is finished.
  • PayTV

    In the same decade of the 70, companies like Home Box Office (HBO), started the cable pay service.
  • Invention of the first television as a flat screen

    In the United States, the first flat-screen TV came out.
  • 3D television

    The LG brand develops the first 3D screen
  • 4K television

    Full resolution invention (4K)