Introduction/Tasks CS

  • AO2 - Business computer/data

    Cyber criminals are a big threat to company's/businesses as cyber criminals tries to hack/steal data to then sell the information or use it for other reasons. Nearly ever company/business will have all devices connected to a private network where only the devices inside the workplace will have access to use. This keeps out all the criminals trying to gain access to the device. Anti-virus and firewalls are also provided to ensure it has good protection at all time.
  • Introduction

    Cyber attacks are becoming more of a problem to company's and to people in general. It is important for these businesses to have back up plans to make sure data is safe when being attacked by these cyber criminals. As time goes on, new ways to steal information is being founded by these criminals and it is really important that business and people in general know how to back data up and keep it safe. Also making sure your device is safe to share information before using.
  • AO1

    Some machines are way more vulnerable than others. For example, a machine with a firewall and anti-virus will be more secure than a machine with no sort of security. You can find free anti-virus and firewall's on google but payed versions or subscriptions tend to be more effective and efficient. I recommend malware bytes as it scans all files that have been running/downloaded onto your device.
  • AO3

    Businesses to this day keep data backed up incase of data loss and attacks that may occur down the line. Teams of technicians will be hired to help prevent these problems. Businesses also hire 'white hat hackers' to hack into the servers, website or whatever it may be to see where the weak points are to help make it hard to hack by criminals.
  • AO4

    Anti-virus can be used to scan all documents downloaded on the device and will get rid of suspicious actions taking place. It will also notify you if something is dodgy and unnatural. A firewall is used to make sure nobody is accessing your device remotely and stops anything being damaged whether that's stealing data or installing virus's and trying to take over your device.
  • AO5

    When data is generated, you should always back it up whether you put it on a cloud if its a personal device or on a hard drive that is kept safe.
  • AO2 - Personal device

    To ensure your device is safe and have the right protection, you can download and have an anti-virus with a firewall running. This will help get rid of any trojans or third-party software's that can collect your private data. You can look out for signs that you may have a virus or any program that has intent to harm your device and one of the signs is if your device is running slower than usual or if you get any pop-ups.
  • Todays work

    Today I focused on protocols in IPsec. I researched and added a description for both Authentication Header and Encapsulated Security Payload.
  • Last lesson

    Last Lesson I was focusing on catching up and completing activity 2. It included research about authentication, authorization and accounting. I also took a look at wireless networks and wired networks. I researched the advantages and disadvantages of both the networks.
  • Todays work

    Today I have learnt more about binary and now I am confident I can answer questions based on this. We carried on learning about different networks and the five 9's. The class looked into different company's and how they could effected if their services went offline.
  • Last lesson

    Last lesson I carried on working through the exercises. The exercises included the advantages and disadvantages for a wired and wireless network connection. Other topics was also covered.
  • Todays lesson

    Todays lesson
    Today I was looking into different cyber labs. I also did a mark sheet explaining the topics I am confident in and the ones I need to spend a little more time looking into and researching.
  • Last lesson

    Last lesson
    Last lesson I was looking into different types of networks. for example, wireless networks and wired networks and how the run differently and the similarities.
  • Last Lesson Recap

    Last Lesson Recap
    White: Looking at papers to get ready for the exams in January
    Red: Exams are closer than expected and I will try to get as much exam knowledge as I can before the exam date
    Yellow: I understand a pass will be from 18 - 25 marks which is what I am aiming for
    Green: I could make a list about the risks so when the time comes to sit the exam, I have more knowledge

    Blue: Note down more information that I don't understand so i can recap it
    Black: Feel pressure for the exam coming up and very boring
  • Todays class

    Todays class
    White: Looking at past papers
    Red: Getting revision everyday to help prep me for the exam
    Yellow: I know what to expect in the exam as I am cha-ching past papers and doing exam styled questions
    Green: Go into more depth in the questions and assignments
    Blue: write down ideas (bullet points) and evaluate

    Black: Like the others, it is boring and stressful as I am a physical type of person and I find researching a hard way to learn