Intro to europes History

  • 1517 BCE

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    During the Renaissance, some people began to question the practices of the cathloic church. Martin luther led the protestant reformation.
  • 1348 BCE

    The Black Plague

    The Black Plague
    In 1348, a ship from the east docked in present day italy, sick sailors came ashore and brought it with them.
    Between 1/4 and 1/3 of europe's population died.
    one result of the plague was labor shortage.
  • 476 BCE

    The middle ages

    The middle ages
    During the middle ages, many people lived under the feudal system
    In the feudal system, everyone has a place in society. most medieval society was divided into three classes: nobles, clergy, serfs.
  • 336 BCE

    Greek Empire: alexander the great

    He is the son of King Philip of Macedonia
    He set out to conquer the world
    he brought greek ideas and culture to other lands he conquered.
    including: persia, parts of egypt, and parts of india
  • 44 BCE

    Roman Republic

    Laws were created by elected repersatives.
    Julius Caesar, one of the most famous roman generals,beca,e leader of the roman republic. fearing Julius Caesar power some senators murdered him.