Chirs gradutes from Emory University
Chris leaves for his adventure.
Chris leaves without saying goodbye to his parents and writes them a note. He sells everything his has and leaves with $24,000 thousand dollars. -
Chris donates money.
He donated $24,000 dollars to OXFAM. -
Chris leaves his car behind.
Chris leaves his car and burried his rifle and his left over money. -
chris Mccandless gets a ride to Needles, California.
Chris crosses the Mexican border and gets arrested.
Chris gets I.D.
Chris gets his I.D after he decides to take a trip to Los Angles. -
Chris gets a job at Mc Donalds in Arizona.
Chris meets someone named Ronald
Chris decides to leave Carthage in South Dakota.
Chris Mccandless writes his last post card.
Chris Mccandless reaches his final destination.
Vhris ends up in Fairbanks Alaska. -
Chris finds the bus.
Chris crossed the Teklanika River and saw the bus on a trail. -
Chris changes his name to Alex
His death.
This was the day he last wrote in his jounal and thats when they figured he died.