Interwar years

  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    Ended the war!!
  • Period: to

    Interwar years

  • Warren G. Harding takes office.

    Warren G. Harding takes office.
    Warren takes office for the united states.
  • Unemployment rises 2.5 million in Britain

    Unemployment rises 2.5 million in Britain
    Unemployment reaches 2.5 million in Britain during the great depression.
  • David Lloyd resigns

    David Lloyd resigns
    After support from his government was lost, David resigned and never served for the government again.
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
    After many years of fighting the bolsheviks beat all who opposed. After the bolsheviks won the war was over.
  • mooselini name premere

    mooselini name premere
    mooselini becomes italian premere.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    After three harmful strokes lenin dies of. After Lenin dies stalin suceeds him.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The dawes plan was an attempt to stabilise Weimar Germany's economy.
  • Stalin implements first five year plan

    Stalin implements first five year plan
    Plan made to bring the Soviet Union into the industrial age.
  • Italy becomes an all party state

    Italy becomes an all party state
    Italy became an all party state after the tske over of mussolini.
  • Poincare resigns

    Poincare resigns
    resigned due to bad health.
  • Black tuesday

    Black tuesday
    Leading to the stock market crash then the great depression.
  • Stalin starts what is known as the "great Purges"

    Stalin starts what is known as the "great Purges"
    campaigns of political repressions and persecution in the Soviet Union which removed all opposing power.
  • roosevelts "new Deals"

    roosevelts "new Deals"
    1933-1936 starts united in the right economic direction.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
    After gaining enough followers Hitler was brought into power.
  • roosevelt begins first term.

    roosevelt begins first term.
    Starts the first term while still in the great depression.
  • Hindenburg dies

    Hindenburg dies
    After Hindenburgs death Hitler becomes "Der fuhrer".
  • Italy invades ethiopia

    Italy invades ethiopia
    Italy invaded ethiopia to try and gain the meditarrian and north african regions.
  • Spanish civil war begins

    Spanish civil war begins
    Started by rebelling against the spanish republic.
  • Italy wins war

    Italy wins war
    After winning the war Italy creates italian africa.
  • roosevelt re-elected

    roosevelt re-elected
    roosevelt re-elected in a landslide victory.
  • Neville chamberlain appointed prime minister.

    Neville chamberlain appointed prime minister.
    Starting as minsister of health He surpised few by becoming prime minister.