• Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The treaty imposes heavy reparations payments on Germany
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The worlds first international security organization goes into operation. The United States do not join and Germany and Soviet Russia are not admitted.
  • Facism in Italy

    Facism in Italy
    Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy after the black shirts marched into Rome. He is not effectively in control until several years later.
  • Period: to

    Hopeful Years

    An era of good feeling in European international relations witnesses major agreements that ease reparations. Germany is admitted to the League of Legends
  • Stalin In Power In Russia

    Stalin In Power In Russia
    Stalin defeats the last of his major rivals for power in this period. Stalin slowly brings forced industrialization, brutal police and rigid control over the country.