
  • The first meeting of the league of nations

    The assembly of the league of nations meets for the first time in Geneva Switzerland. The US is notably absent, the senate having voted against joining the league on november 1919
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorf, a World War One hero in Germany, lead a small unforseen of advocates in a harmless, comic attempt at uprising, for which Hitler was confined for a couple of years.
  • Great Mississippi flood

    The great Mississippi flood was a flood that washed 23,000 square miles/ 60,000 square km which occurred in 1927 in the United States Mississippi. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and a couple hundred were killed.
  • The refrigerator was invented

    General Electric introduced the Monitor top which eventually developed into the first refrigerator to widespread use. More than a million units were made
  • The spanish Monarchy is overthrown and the republic is born

    A conditional government is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism
  • Period: to

    1,140,000 Communist Party Members Are Expelled By Stalin

    Stalin's Central Purge Commission, created in 1933, publicly investigates and tries many party members for treason as Stalin seeks to rid the party of opposition.
  • Great Depression

    In the US unemployment ranged from 15 million to almost 23 million which also was very similar to Germany's but a little more severe. However in 1934 its resemblance of rebuilding had started to notice.
  • Elvis was born

    Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8 1935 in Mississippi Tupelo with his twin brother Jesse Garon who was a stillborn that left Elvis to be an only child with his mother Gladys Presley and his father Vernon Presley. He later grew up to be the king of rock and roll in the late 1950s
  • The Spanish Nationalists Begin The Spanish Civil War

    Generals Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, sparking the Spanish Civil War.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    In response to Hitler’s constant aggression in Eastern Europe. Britain and France go to war with Germany in an attempt to stop Hitler’s bid for world domination.