Interwar and War

  • Start of WW1

    Start of WW1
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is asassinated by a Serbian national. The Austro-Hungarian Empire then invades Serbia and the allies of Serbia attack the Austro-Hungarian Empire while the the allies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire back them. The first world war starts.
  • World War One

    World War One
    The first world war begins between the Central and Allied powers, these include. The fighting in Europe is mainly regulated to trenches with some exceptions like the the British Cavalry Corps being used to great effect in the South of the Ottoman Empire in the Levant, the Russian push into Austro-Hungarian lands during the Brusilov offensive, and a great push into French lands by Germany ending in massive casualties on the German side called the Kaiserschlacht.
  • End of World War One and the Treaty of Versailles

    End of World War One and the Treaty of Versailles
    The central powers capitulate and the Treaty of Versailles is enforced on the losing party. Which included the disbanding of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, reparations for all Central Power members, and Germany losing all its colonies overseas and some of the German owned territories in Europe.
  • German Expansion and the Creation of the Axis Powers

    German Expansion and the Creation of the Axis Powers
    Germany, under the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler, starts to expand and assimilate territories lost in WW1, while also creating the Axis alliances with Italy and Japan as well as a number of smaller powers.
  • Start of WW2

    Start of WW2
    Germany demands the Polish territory of Danzig, Poland decline and Germany invades Poland. Poland then Joins the Allies and Great Britain and France declare war on Germany starting WW2
  • World War two

    World War two
    Germany invades Poland, France, and the Benelux countries and forces their surrender in two weeks with a new type of war named Blitzkrieg meaning fast war in German, later in the war Germany declares war on the Soviet Union and is forced into a two front war. After much fighting and initial victories in both the East and West front, Germany is forced back when America joins the war on the side of the Allies after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan, and invades mainland Europe via Normandy.
  • End of World War Two

    End of World War Two
    Germany is invaded via Normandy and German troops are slowly pushed back by allied forces until they reach Berlin after which Germany and Italy surrender ending in VE day. The last of the Axis powers surrender after Hiroshima and Nagasaki is nuked by the U.S. The treaties enforced on the Axis powers result in a democratic regime taking over the government in Japan, and the installation of Communist governments throughout eastern Europe all the way to Berlin ending in the start of the Cold War