Internet, Web, and Social Media

  • Claude Chappe creates the visual telegraph

  • Electric telegraph was invented

    Invented by William Fothergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone
  • First submarine telegraph in the English Channel

    Laid by the English Channel Submarine Telegraph Company
  • First transatlantic telegraph cable was laid

    Cyrus West Field's idea to connect the networks in Europe and America.
  • ARPA is created

    It was created to keep the US a step ahead of the Soviets
  • ARPAnet is created

    Joseph Licklider convinced ARPA to fund research looking into connecting smart minds everywhere
  • Email is invented

    by 1973, emails made up more than three quarters of ARPAnets packets
  • TCP/IP is created

    Standard way of formatting packets and we still use it today
  • DNS is created

    Gets us to the websites we want to get to; still used today
  • American Online (AOL) is founded

  • NSFNET replaces ARPAnet as the backbone of the internet

  • World Wide Web becomes public

    It uses hypertext
  • GeoCities is started

    Started by David Bohnett and John Rezner, it was the first site to allow users to also be creators and vice versa
  • NSFNET shuts down for good and hands everything over to ISPs

  • Period: to

    Companies invested in websites and went bankrupt

  • Yahoo! bought GeoCities - shut it down in the US a year later

  • Period: to

    Friendster is founded - then shut down

    Was rebranded in 2011, but it wasn't enough to save it
  • MySpace is launched

    Is still active, but isn't at all what it used to be
  • LinkedIn is created

    Only business networking tool
  • FaceBook is launched

  • Broad band becomes the way people go online

  • YouTube launches

  • Reddit launches

  • Twitter launches

  • Tumblr launches

    More popular with younger demographics and fandoms
  • Pinterest launches

  • Instagram launches

  • Keek launches

  • Snapchat launches

  • Facebook buys Instagram

  • Twitter buys Vine pre-launch

  • Vine launches

  • launches

  • Discord launches

  • TikTok launches in the U.S,

    Wasn't it originally That is not mentioned lol
  • TikTok and merge

  • BeReal launches