Internet Time Line

  • Birth of the Internet

    Inventors invented the internet during the Cold War to be used as a government weapon- for use of communications and sharing information
  • ARPANET Developed

    ARPANET using packet switching to allow many computers to communicate on one network
  • First Email

    First email was sent
  • SuperComputers

    National Science Foundation opened supercomputer centers and created a network to link them together
  • WWW

    World Wide Web (WWW) was created by Sir Tim Berners- Lee- which was the first web-browser
  • Mosiac

    The Mosaic was developed in 1993 but discontinued in 1997
  • W3C

    Berners-Lee founded an organization that led the development of the Web to its full potential
  • Netscape

    Netscape was released, this was the first search engine available
  • Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer
    The Internet Explorer was released
  • ICANN Formed

    ICANN- Internet Coprteration for Assigned Names and Numbers was formed (ICANN maintained and coordinates the internet- mainly the IP's and domain names)
  • Google

    Google was officially incorporated