internet/tech advances

  • microsoft

    click hereis another search engine that does the exsact same things as the other ones and alos a computer company
  • atari

    click for more
    atari was one of the first gamming devices it was a huge technological advancement made a way for electronic from education to entertainment
  • sony

    click here is a movie company that was the main inventer of ps3 and other caming consels and made the frist blueray and high def discs
  • phtoshop

    click hereis a cool and easy way to change and filter pictures to your liking so this can change everything
  • nientendo

    click here is a new way of gaming from the atari it change from games being at arxades to being in your living room
  • Bluetooth

    click for more info Was the wirless coneection from one electronic device to anotherand helped adavce travela and accesiablitly to elctronic acces.
  • amazon

    click hereis aa easy and quick way to buy desireable iteams that can be sent to you in datys
  • google search engine

    google search engine
    is the biggest advancement of the internet it helps sotre and seasrch anything humanly possiable to search anything in secounds
  • skype

    click hereis fast and easy way to see people and talk to then over webcam fast and easy which makes it fun and quick to talk to anyone all over the world

    click here is a social media website which makes it able to communivcate and search with friends all over the world in the oush of a button
  • twitter

    is another way for you to comunivate with freinds and for then to see your feeling and to keep then updated on what is going on in your life
  • The Cloud

    The Cloud
    click here for more info Is the wireless downloading and uploading of information to a main hardrive or shared netwrok for you to accses at anytime
  • netflix

    click for more nextflix was the instant streaming of any movie available instead of having to rent this was a quick easy way to watch your favorite movies
  • hulu

    click here is another way you can buy and stream movies and tv shows so it makes it faster and easier to watch mvoies
  • bing

    click here for more was another search that made it fast and easy to accses anything you wanted at the touch of the mouse