
Internet's History and Developement


    First created network design created by DARPA and published in 1967. It was the first networking system using packets instead of circuits to carry information.
  • First Test

    In 1969, the first two nodes for ARPANET were chosen in UCLA and SRI. The first messages were sent from both computers
  • Network Protocol

    In 1972, after many computers ere added to the ARPANET, the NWI added a networking protocol for all sites on the ARPANET. now sites were allowed to add their own applications.
  • Email

    In 1972 the new email was introduced. People could start sending messages from one computer to another.
  • Super Computer

    Super Computer
    In 1976 Cray creates a new supercomputer, which is faster and easier to use. It had bettter connection to the APARNET
  • Inventions

    Many other nets start popping up including a THEORYNET which allowed 100 users to email each other accross the U.S
    Steve Jobs created the Apple II
    Universities started internetting packets around the country to see if its possible to use ARPANET accross the globe
  • More Inventions

    New IP suite/protocol is made and DARPA is trying to switch.
    New portable computer made osborne and ibm-pc