Internet background thumb9070435

Internet history wizard

By kanghum
  • First succesful mini computer

    First succesful mini computer
    It was small enough to sit on a desktop and it was sold for $18,000
  • Pentagon invents Internet for goverment use

    Pentagon invents Internet for goverment use
    Just the goverment could use it.
  • Ethernet was invented for local networks

    Ethernet was invented for local networks
  • Seve Wozniak and Steve Jobs release apple II

    Seve Wozniak and Steve Jobs release apple II
  • Arplanet launches as many Department energy sites.

    Arplanet launches as many Department energy sites.
    This action made many companies contribute with internet. The number of support agency started growing.
  • Delphi was the first to offer Internet access

    Delphi was the first to offer Internet access
    He was the first national commercial online servie to offer Internet acces to its subscribers. It opened email connection and full Internet services.
  • Internet boost up

    Internet boost up
    "The Internet becomes such a part of the computing establishment that a professional society forms to guide it on its way."
  • The WWW invention

    The WWW invention
    The WWW invention made the internet better and expanded faster thean a super nova.
  • Amazon starts

    Amazon starts
  • Hotmail

    Hotmail company begins in 1996
  • Google starts

    Google starts
  • Bill Gates invents Windows98

    Bill Gates invents Windows98
  • Wikipedia starts

    Wikipedia starts
  • Itunes was ivented by Steve Jobs

    Itunes was ivented by Steve Jobs
  • Facebook starts

    Facebook starts
  • Youtube starts

    Youtube starts