
Internet History Priod 1

By rhsrose
  • Two computers connected in Mass. and Calif.

    Didn't work
  • Period: to

    History of the Internet

  • Mouse invented

  • ARPANET Created

    ARPANET Created
    Cerf and Kahn
  • Email was introduced

    Email was introduced
  • Internet coined

  • First Apple Computer

  • 1000 computers connected to ARPANET

  • Dell Computers

  • Wifi

  • The WORLD WIDE WEB was born

    The WORLD WIDE WEB was born
    The web is only a small PART of the internet and was created by Tim Bernson-Lee
  • Real Audio (streaming)

    Real Audio (streaming)
    Almost real time
  • Java released

    Java released
  • Internet Explorer released

  • Napster Created

    Napster Created
  • Napster Shutdown

    Napster Shutdown
  • Skype

  • Facebook is created

    Facebook is created
    Mark Zuckerburg
  • Firefox released

    came from mosaic
  • YouTube

    Susan Wojcicki
  • Twitter created

    Twitter created
    Jack Dorsey
  • Instagram released

    Kevin Systum Mike Kripgum
  • Twitch