Internet History

  • ARPAnet

    Lawrence G Roberts develops the concepts of computer-network and the ARPAnet.
  • "LO"

    Charles Kline sends first message from one computer to another; “LO”
  • Telenet

    Telenet, first Internet Service Provider and commercialized form of ARPANET

    USENET forms to begin for news and discussion groups
  • Domain Names

    Domain Names
    The creation of the six basic Internet domains: gov, mil, edu, com, org, net.
  • HTML

    The creation of HTML which changed how we viewed webpages.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The creation of the World Wide Web which changed how we interacted with the Internet.
  • Yahoo

    The creation of Yahoo which became one of the first online multi-purpose media outlets.
  • Online Shopping

    Online Shopping
    Launches of Amazon and eBay which changed the consumer experience and started the trend of online shopping.
  • Browser War

    Browser War
    The start of the Browser War, companies competing to provide the ultimate online browsing experience.
  • Netflix

    Launch of Netflix; this began the trend of movie consumption which led to the takeover of digital streaming.
  • Google

    Launch of Google search engine which impacted how we interact with the Internet and how we consume information.
  • Napster

    Launch of Napster, one of the first peer-to-peer file sharing service that disrupted the music industry.
  • WordPress

    Launch of WordPress which has become one of the most influential blog publishing resources.
  • Facebook

    Launch of Facebook, which started the social media world as we know it today.
  • YouTube

    Launch of YouTube, which became a platform for strictly video uploads and consumed an uncountable amount of views over time.
  • Twitter

    Launch of Twitter, that became a real-time social media platform that specialized in gathering news and live updates.
  • Instagram

    Launch of Instagram, which like Youtube mass-consumed people’s attention and views which became an incredible platform for advertisers.
  • Middle East Twitter Revolt

    Middle East Twitter Revolt
    Middle East New Media Revolts which led to mass uprisings that showed injustices being done through platforms like Facebook and Twitter
  • Edward Snowden NSA Leaks

    Edward Snowden NSA Leaks
    Edward Snowden reveals that the NSA has been tapping the communication lines of US citizens.