
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Leonard Kleinrock is rewarded as the person who developed the internet when he first wrote ARPANET (predecessor of the internet)
  • Two Computers at MIT

    Two Computers at MIT
    2 computers at MIT Lincoln Lab communicate wit hone another using packet-switching technology
  • BBN wins ARPANET contract

    BBN wins ARPANET contract
    Beranek and Newman, Inc. unveils the final version of the Interface Message Processor (IMP) specifications.

    Precursor to the internet was jump started in the early days of computing history, with the U.S. Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  • UCLA's Network Measurement Center

    UCLA's Network Measurement Center
    On October 29, UCLA's Network Measurement Center, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), University of California-Santa Barbara and University of Utah install nodes. first message was "LO"
  • Supercomputer centers

    Supercomputer centers
    National Science Foundations NSFNET goes online to connected supercomputer centers at 56,000 bits per second - the speed of a typical dial-up computer motem
  • Netscape

    Netscape Communications is born. Microsoft creates web browser for Windows 95.
  • Dancing baby

    Dancing baby
    A 3D animation dubbed "The Dancing Baby" becomes one of the first viral videos
  • Google search

    Google search
    The Google Search engine is born, changing the way users engage with the internet
  • Facebook

    Facebook goes online and the era of social networking begins.
  • 51%

    51% of U.S. adults report that they bank online, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center