Internet advances

  • IPod Nano

    IPod Nano
    Portable music player allowing one to listen to music on the go with no internet needed.
  • IPod Touch

    IPod Touch
    Touch screen mobile device with music playing, video playing, and application downloading available ([IPod Touch], 2007).
  • IPad

    Similar to an iPod touch, one can watch videos, games, and listen to music. This larger surface allows for education and work tasks to be put right in one's lap ([IPad], 2010).
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    An interactive classroom board used for projecting images, playing videos, not taking, drawing, or interactive games. The technology was released in 2003, but I never saw it in a classroom until 2014 (Scarborough, 2019).
  • Telsa Self Driving Car

    Telsa Self Driving Car
    While this has not happened the technology is there and it is just waiting to be finalized (Tucker, 2021).