International Trade History

  • Jan 7, 1000

    How International Trade Started

    How International Trade Started
    -Tradings started with barter system.
    -According to a Greek travel manuscript, one of the first few international trade was between the Romans and Indians with the use of ships because there were demands for aromatic in India.
    -In acient times, Myos Hormos and Berencie are the main trading ports of Roman.
  • Feb 21, 1157

    Market Rights introduced

    Market Rights introduced
    -Song Dynasty from China created the first paper printed money and were used to pay countries which trade with China.
    -Hanseatic League in England introduced market rights and trading benefits to secure their goods.
  • Introduction of Foreign Trade License

    Introduction of Foreign Trade License
    -Japan establish Foreign Trade Licenses to prevent piracy and smuggling.
    -Dutch East India Company established in the year of 1602, declared bankruptcy in 1799 because of the rise in competition in free trade.
    -The result of the Indian company might have taught other companies to be more aware of Free Trades.
  • War happens

    War happens
    -In 1860, Britain and France strikes over the Free Trade Agreement. Bretton Woods System was introduced in the year 1946 with the purpose to stop wars.
    -In 1947, 23 countries agreed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to rationalize trade among nations.
  • Standardization in transport

    Standardization in transport
    -European Free Trade Association is established.
    -Four significant International Organization for Standardization recommendations standardized containerization (transportation of cargo in containers) of globally.
  • Eastern African Community

    Eastern African Community
    Block of integration that counts on the free circulation of goods. Has signed a protocol of customs unión where a common ecus tariff (CET)
  • Formation of WTO

    Formation of WTO
    -World Trade Organization was formed, an intergovernmental organization which deals with rules of trade between nations at a global level.
    -This organization is to promote free trade between various nations and help improve the quality of international trade allowing trades to flow smoothly.
  • Andean community of CAN nations

    Andean community of CAN nations
    The Andean community of nations is a group of economic integration that has managed to establish a free trade zone. Tends to be a common market.
  • New Rights

    New Rights
    Right to free movement of imports of agricultural, livestock, handicraft and industrial products originating and approved.
  • International Trade declined

    International Trade declined
    -World War One and World War Two resulted the decline percentage of international trade and the increasing amount of protectionism policies.
    -Countries like US, Argentina, and Australia have establish a trade barrier with average tariff barriers to Russia, France and Germany.
    -Western Europe for world trade shares declined from 60%(year 1880) to 35(year 1948)
  • Free Trade Agreement between the US, Central America and the Dominican Republic

    Free Trade Agreement between the US, Central America and the Dominican Republic
    It is an economic integration agreement that seeks the creation of a free trade zone between the signatory countries. Cuental with unilateral US tariff preferences for the entry of Central American products into this market.
  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
    Cause of Financial Crisis in 2008:
    -Banks created too much money
    -Uses this money to increase house prices and speculate on financial markets
    -eventually people's personal debts became unpayable, debt rising quicker than incomes
  • World Recession

    World Recession
    All countries were impacted due to the crisis
    -falling of exports
    -rising of unemployement leading to falling income World trade declined 4.5% in 2009
  • Pacific alliance

    Pacific alliance
    It is a regional integration mechanism that promotes the commercial exchange of investments of innovation and technology between its countries and the rest of the world, especially with the pacific asiatico.
  • Recovery of economy

    Recovery of economy
    -trade volume increased nearly 20% (mid 2009 to mid 2010), resulting recovery of economy 2011:
    -economic delay and growth could not be sustained