IRC is formed
At the request of Albert Einstien the IRC is officially formed to aid German refugees running from Hitler -
The Berlin Airlift
The IRC drops food and supplies to the people stuck in East Berlin from Soviet Oppresion -
THe IRC begins to aid Vietnamese Refugees after their defeat of the French. -
Cuban Revolution
The IRC helps aid the Cuban Refugees escape from Castro's Dictatorship -
Escape to Thailand
The IRC helps Aid Indochinese people to Thailand -
Afghanistan to Pakistan
The IRC helps Afghani's escape to Pakistan -
Poland Health Care
The IRC helps start a Polish Health Care System -
Healthcare in Sudan
The IRC help start a Healthcare system in Sudan -
The IRC helps train Refugees in Somalia how to start farms and Small Buisnesses -
The IRC gives Emergency Aid to the people in Burma -
IRC begin a campign to aid 4 million unrooted Iraqi's