International relations

International relations

  • Commodore Perry visit

  • Tianjin Treaty

  • Publication of Origin of Species

  • Reform Act ( UK)

  • Meji Restoration

  • Opening of Suez Canal

  • Discovery of gold Transvaal ( South Africa)

  • Start of Long Depression

  • Livingstone inland Mission

  • Leopold 2's Brussel Conference

  • Annexation of Transvaal

  • Dual Alliance

  • First Boer War

  • Triple alliance

  • Creation of German East Africa

  • Foundation of Congo Free State

  • Berlin Conference

  • Bismark Exit

  • Second Boer War

  • Dual entente

  • Sino- Japanese War

  • Spanish-American War

  • Fashoda incident

  • Anglo-Zulu War

  • Boxer rebellion

  • Second Naval Law

  • 5th Anglo Ashanti War

  • Plat Amendment

  • Anglo-Japanese War

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • First Moroccan crisis

  • Entente cordiale

  • Greet White Fleet Tour

  • Second Morrocan Crisis

  • Opening of Panama Canal

  • Start of Great War

  • 21 Demands

  • US entry into WWI

  • Bolshevik Revolution

  • Armistice

  • Versailles Treaty