Commodore Perry visit
Tianjin Treaty
Publication of Origin of Species
Reform Act ( UK)
Meji Restoration
Opening of Suez Canal
Discovery of gold Transvaal ( South Africa)
Start of Long Depression
Livingstone inland Mission
Leopold 2's Brussel Conference
Annexation of Transvaal
Dual Alliance
First Boer War
Triple alliance
Creation of German East Africa
Foundation of Congo Free State
Berlin Conference
Bismark Exit
Second Boer War
Dual entente
Sino- Japanese War
Spanish-American War
Fashoda incident
Anglo-Zulu War
Boxer rebellion
Second Naval Law
5th Anglo Ashanti War
Plat Amendment
Anglo-Japanese War
Roosevelt Corollary
First Moroccan crisis
Entente cordiale
Greet White Fleet Tour
Second Morrocan Crisis
Opening of Panama Canal
Start of Great War
21 Demands
US entry into WWI
Bolshevik Revolution
Versailles Treaty