Russia was not allowed to join the League of Nations
The League of Nations failed in Italy
The League of Nations failed in Teschen
Germany was not allowed to join the League of Nations
The league of Nations was adopted by the Paris Peace Confrence
The task of the League of Nations was to ensure that war never broke out again. -
The League of Nations failed in the War between Russia and Poland
The League of Nations found success in The Aaland Islands
The League of Nations found success in Upper Silesia
The League of Nations found success in Memel
The League of Nations found success in Turkey
The League of Nations failed in the invasion of the Ruhr
The League of Nations failed in Italy and Albania
The League of Nations found success in Greece and Bulgaria
The League of Nations suceeded in adverting wars in the border dispputes between Blugaris-Greece and Iraq-Turkey
The league of Nations had success in adverting wars in border disuputes between Poland-Lithuania
Plans for IMF and World Bank were Laid
IMF: to help advancement and growth of international trade and commerce.
World Bank: To help in the economic growth of countries by giving them loans when thay do not posess the funds necissary to make changes. -
United Nations Officially Created
The United Nations was created to promote international relations and peace. The purpose of the U.N. is to balance global interdependence while dealing with international problems. The U.N. has received criticism for interfering with national sovereignty. However, the U.N. also has found success in negotiating 172 peace settlements and giving humanitarian aid. -
IMF and World Bank Officially Established
The responsibilities of the League of Nations was handed over to the U.N.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights was Finalized
U.N. failed to promote peace in Rwanda
U.N. peace keeping forces failed to secure the area of Rwanda in which 800,000 Hutus and Tutsis were killed in a genocide.