International Organizations, Alliances & Agreements

  • Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litausk

    This treaty secured peace for Russia with Germany.
  • Armistice of WWI

    A cease fire arranged for 11:00 AM, Nov. 11, 1918
  • One Big Union (O.B.U) formed

    The OBU allowed all workers to negotiate with employers.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Terms of the treaty.
    - War Guilt Clause
    - Germany's Military Forces Reduced
    - De-Militarization of Rhineland
    - Loss of German Territory
    - Loss of Overseas Colonies
    - Reparations of $63 Billion
    - No Union with Austria
  • League Of Nations Formed

    A League meant to uphold world peace.
  • Treaty of Sevres signed

    Ottoman Empire dismantled; Turkey created.
  • Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F) formed

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N.A.T.O) Created

  • North America Air Defense Agreement (N.O.R.A.D) formed

  • Creation of the United Nations

    After WWII the League of Nations was dismantled, a new League was formed.
  • League of Nations ceased operations

  • Warsaw Pact

    A mutual friendship and co-operation pact between the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
  • OBU merged with Canadian Labour Congress

  • NASA Formed

    Formed for the sole purpose of putting a man on the moon.
  • CCF ceased operations

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (S.A.L.T)

    Talks between US and USSR to limit nuclear weapons.