International Environmental Agreements

  • Kyoto Protocol

    This international treaty was one of the major treaties that made countries reevaluate their use of fossil fuels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It was ineffective until 2005, where at least 55 countries have adopted to the new commitments.
  • Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

    This was a convention that focused on eliminating persisting organic compounds (POPs). POPs are important as they bioaccumulate which have adverse effects on human and environmental health. With this treaty, it focused on the elimination of certain chemicals that were used for insecticides and fungicides. After this treaty, several countries changed the structure of their agricultural policies.
  • Paris Agreement (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

    With this agreement, there was more awareness about the rising temperature and greenhouse gas emissions. The aim was to help reduce the Earth’s overall temperature and to be the starting point to make countries choose more sustainable sources of energy instead of using fossil fuels
  • Future Event - Convention on Wildfires

    This potential future event would be about coming to an agreement about how wildfires are becoming more and more common. This convention would also focus on carbon dioxide emissions from these fires and how it affects the lives of many people from neighbouring countries. Recent examples would be the Amazon rainforest wildfires and the Sumatra and Kalimantan islands.
  • Future Event - Convention on Air Pollution Reduction

    While air pollution has been a problem for ages, it is still something that is now disrupting daily life with school closures due to pollution and smog. Also, pollution has become the norm rather than the exception so this convention would take place to help reduce the amount of air pollution and improve air quality
  • Future Event - Convention on Deforestation

    This event would focus on deforestation as many trees all over the world are being cut down for personal gain. By 2030, the effects would be visible in larger forests such as the Amazon rainforest and other major forests in Africa. This convention would force countries to start initiatives to help the human population have a decent air quality so that people can breathe clean air, no fumes or smog from factories.