International Crisis

  • World War 1: Sinking of Lusitania

    World War 1: Sinking of Lusitania
    Germans torpedoed the Lusitania, and it sunk within 18 minutes killing 1198 people
  • World War 1: U.S Declares War

    World War 1: U.S Declares War
    After the German submarines sink 7 merchants ships, Wilson called war on Germany
  • World War 1: War Ends

    World War 1: War Ends
    Lasted from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918
  • World War II (Europe): Invasion of Poland

    World War II (Europe): Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland.
  • World War II (Pacific): Pearl Harbor

    World War II (Pacific): Pearl Harbor
    A surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base.
  • World War II (Pacific): Battle of Midway

    World War II (Pacific): Battle of Midway
    Turning point in the Pacific war came with the American naval victory in the Battle of Midway.
  • Korea: Truman Doctrine

    Korea: Truman Doctrine
    The current United States president, Harry S. Truman, presents his "Truman Doctrine" and that pledges American aid and assistance to any nation that is threatened by communist rule
  • Korea: Berlin Blockade

    Korea: Berlin Blockade
    The Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies access into their parts of Berlin. Their goal was to force Western Powers to allow the Soviets to provide supplies to all of Berlin
  • Korea: North Korea invades South Korea

    Korea: North Korea invades South Korea
    North Korea had the Soviet Union's help to launch a large attack in strive to get the nations to reunite
  • Leading to Vietnam: U.S Decides to Send Money to Help France

    Leading to Vietnam: U.S Decides to Send Money to Help France
    U.S sends $15 million of military aid and assistance to France in the Indochina war.
  • Korea: Battle for the Punchbowl

    Korea: Battle for the Punchbowl
    The 1st Marine Division encounters heavy North Korea resistance, but succeeds in taking it's objective
  • Korea: United States attacks Pyongyang

    Korea: United States attacks Pyongyang
    The US attacks Pyongyang using aircraft trying to make Korea surrender
  • Korea: End to Korean War

    Korea: End to Korean War
    Korea finally surrenders and the war comes to an end
  • Leading to Vietnam: Geneva Conference Begins

    Leading to Vietnam: Geneva Conference Begins
    Vietnam is divided into 17th parallel. The North of this line is controlled by the communist Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh. The South of this line is controlled by Ngo Dinh Diem and the State of Vietnam. The U.S never agrees to this.
  • Leading to Vietnam: United States Become Involved

    Leading to Vietnam: United States Become Involved
    U.S enters the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnam: JFK Elected President

    Vietnam: JFK Elected President
    Kennedy beats Nixon in a close election for the presidency.
  • Vietnam: VietCong is Formed

    Vietnam: VietCong is Formed
    Also known as the National Liberation Front, formed by Hanoi and use against South Vietnam.
  • Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem Assassinated

    Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem Assassinated
    Diem was killed in a coup supported by the United States.
  • Vietnam: Vietnamization

    Vietnam: Vietnamization
    U.S policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam.
  • Vietnam: Kennedy Assassination

    Vietnam: Kennedy Assassination
    Assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas
  • Vietnam: United States Jets Bomb Ho Chi MinhTrail

    Vietnam: United States Jets Bomb Ho Chi MinhTrail
    Ho Chi Minh Trail was a trail that ran from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to the Republic of Vietnam through the neighboring kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia. It was used to transport equipment.
  • Vietnam: Operation Rolling Thunder

    Vietnam: Operation Rolling Thunder
    U.S. military aircraft attacked targets throughout Northern Vietnam.
  • Vietnam: Battle of Khe Sanh

    Vietnam: Battle of Khe Sanh
    Forces from the People's Army of North Vietnam (PAVN) carried out a massive artillery bombardment on the U.S. Marine garrison at Khe Sanh, located in northwest South Vietnam near the Laotian border.
  • Vietnam: Tet Offensive

    Vietnam: Tet Offensive
    One of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War.70,000 North Vietnamese and VietCong forces launched Tet Offensive. It took weeks for U.S. and South Vietnamese troops to retake all of the captured cities.
  • Vietnam: Doves V.S Hawks

    Vietnam: Doves V.S Hawks
    The war divided the United States into two groups.
    Hawks: believed that due to the aggression of North Vietnamese it forced us into the war.
    Doves: thought that the problem in Vietnam is a civil war and that the United States had no right to be in their conflicts.
  • Bosnia: Asking for Independent

    Bosnia: Asking for Independent
    Croatia and Slovenia declare their independent from the Yugoslav Federated Republic
  • Persian Gulf War: Beginning of Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War: Beginning of Persian Gulf War
    Kuwait loaned Iraq billions of dollrs in the war against Iran, bu tey couldn't repay them, so Iraq invaded Kuwit.
  • Persian Gulf War: United Nations Gets Involved

    Persian Gulf War: United Nations Gets Involved
    The UN Security Council ordered Iraq to take their troops ot of Kuwait
  • Persian Gulf War: Deadline to Leave Kuwait

    Persian Gulf War: Deadline to Leave Kuwait
    This was the date when the United Nation Security Council set a deadline for Iraqi force to leave Kuwait
  • Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm

    Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm
    U.S lead air attack hit Iraq's air defnse, communiations network, weapons plats, and oil refinerie.
  • Persian Gulf War: Iraq Fights Back

    Persian Gulf War: Iraq Fights Back
    Iraq began to launch missles on Israel
  • Persian Gulf War: Retake Kuwait

    Persian Gulf War: Retake Kuwait
    Kuwait was retaken and most of Iraq's elite Republican Guard's destroyed
  • Bosnia: Bosnian Genocide Started

    Bosnia: Bosnian Genocide Started
    Bosnian war was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia
  • Bosnia: Created Agreement

    Bosnia: Created Agreement
    Muslims and Croats in Bosnia signed an agreement creating Federation of Bosnia